● Live Kenya – Kakuma :to day in protest they burn cars and tires
On this Monday, April 23, 2024, the refugees protested and burned car tires, and even threw stones to welcome the refugees, as there was no car in the entire village.
In particular, the protestors had placards saying that they are fed up with the way UNHCR is not helping them with their livelihood.
Among them is the fact that the amount allocated to each refugee was reduced from 2000 Kenyan shillings to 1050 Kenyan shillings.
The protestors stopped the UNHCR vehicles from going to work, even UNHCR managed to stop the water used for cooking in the reception center, the nearest example is the reception center of kakuma kalubeyei.
Live : We continue to follow this issue in the following story, VOA Radio Correspondent and Eastafricanreport.com are with us.