This Rutembesa Innocent is a resident of Kabizu village, from the territory of Rutchuro in the district of Tongo, North Kivu province. He is at WANTED by the government of the Republic of Congo.They wanted him to be in the Army of the Democratic Republic of Congo 《FARDC》, he was working as the journalist who was close to the secrets of the intelligence sector of this army and that was in 2012 up to 2018.
He came to request for the holiday after realising that he had a disease that he wanted to first get the treatment but since then this man never appeared again.
Radio BBC they are the ones who have given out this news after they have talked to the army speaker Patrick Muyaya about this Rutembesa Innocent . He has ignored this information that the man is not at a wanted he continued by saying it would be better for Innocent to be brought back to the side of the government.
Rutembesa Innocent 《 Anicet》 is accused of political offences against the government of the Republic of Congo with the help of the government of Rwanda. On 07 of May 2019, this Congree was caught in Rwanda by the government of Rwanda that’s among the reasons why the government of Congo is accussing him that he has the help from Rwandan government.
After eighteen months (18) Innocent Rutembesa imprisoned in Rwanda, he was accused of six offences these included betraying the country , talking abusive words to the president ,fighting against the government, causing strikes in the Republic and others. According to BBC Radio, it says that Innocent’s imprisonment in Rwanda was a deal between Rwanda government and the Congo government so that they can capture him and for the government of Congo they had put a death sentence against Innocent .
His family was killed after he had fled from Congo, we remained you that Rutembesa Innocent was a journalist since 2012 up to 2018 he worked on Africa news, Africa news24, and even on Voice Of America《VOA》.
5000 us dollars was put by the government of Congo to the one who will get him alive, and 1000 us dollars to the one who will bring him dead . This was announced by the Ministry Deffence from the government of Congo.
Source Radio BBC