RWANDA KIGALI :According to Twibanire, who committed suicide, Nyabugogo jumped to the fifth floor
The National Police (RIB) has confirmed that Twibanire Emmanuel committed suicide from the fifth floor of the Peace Market building and died instantly of a mental illness.
Contact Emmanuel from Munanira II Cell in Nyakabanda Sector, Nyarugenge District.
“Camera footage shows him committing suicide from the floor and knocking him to the ground, and he immediately died. The pictures also showed that no one was injured. ”
Dr. Murangira went on to say that the family of Twibanire Emmanuel said he already had a mental illness.
“His wife and siblings testified that he already had a mental illness he had been dealing with for a long time and that he had even tried to commit suicide but it was characteristic.”
He said the condition was also confirmed by Ndera Psychiatric Hospital as he was already receiving treatment.
“RIB has expressed its condolences to the family of Twibanire Emmanuel,” he said.
The 41-year-old committed suicide at 5:30 pm
The Commonwealth Peace Building has collapsed, killing four people since its inception this year, all of whom have committed suicide.
On the morning of June 2, 2021, a suicide bomber struck shortly after noon in Nkundamahoro, after which it was revealed that he was a lawyer named Bukuru Ntwali.
The death of Elder was controversial and was repeated by various people, especially the Mulenge people, who at his funeral confirmed that he had not committed suicide while the RIB had announced that the results of the investigation and suicide had confirmed that Elder had committed suicide .
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